mlp52: Revelstoke - the valley filled with smoke particulate.
mlp52: The smokey haze of burning BC .
mlp52: Balsam Lake bookstore.
mlp52: Alpine meadow
mlp52: Up Mt. Revelstoke
mlp52: A well kept farm
mlp52: Bales of hay
mlp52: View from road to Waterton Lakes.
mlp52: View from road to Waterton Lakes Park
mlp52: Panorama 5 of these pics & you'll get more of an accurate perspective.
mlp52: At Waterton Lakes park
mlp52: just had to use this tree!
mlp52: Waterton Lakes National Park
mlp52: I'd say the wind comes "a howling" down this valley!!
mlp52: Waterton lakes park
mlp52: Waterton lakes park
mlp52: Waterton lakes park
mlp52: Waterton Lakes
mlp52: Taken from the moving car. Crow's Nest mountain just past Crow's Nest Pass.
mlp52: DSC_0565-a
mlp52: Frank Slide
mlp52: Frank Slide