MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Whiskey und Lampe | Whiskey and lamp
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Lehnstuhl im Dublin Writers Museum | Chair at the Dublin Writers Museum
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Teelicht | Tealight
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Not so smart phone
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Ostfriesentee | Eastern Friesland tea
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gartenbank | Garden bench
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gesprächspartner? | Conversational partner?
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Wagenrad | Carriage wheel
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Miranda Sensorex II
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Junge Liebe rostet
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Saure Früchtchen | Sour fruit
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Save water drink wine
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Wasser und Wein | Water and wine
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Geschnittene Chillie | Sliced Chillie
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Geschälter Apfel | Peeled Apple