MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Warten auf Pikachu | Waiting for Pikachu
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Have you seen Lionel Messie?
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Modeexperten | Fashionexperts
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Häkelfahrrad | Crocheted bicycle
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Tretboot mit Galionsfigur | Pedal boat with figurehead
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Schmuckstand | Trinketry stall
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Spaziergang mit Hund | Walk with dog
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Tiefer Wald | Deep woods
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Einkaufsmeile Xanten | Shoppingstreet Xanten
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Straßenmusiker | Busking musicians
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Rechenzentrum Volmarstein | Data center Volmarstein
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Chillen am Phoenixsee | Chill-out
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Ostermarkt in Aplerbeck | Easter market
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Pferdekutsche in Aplerbeck | Carriage
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Am Bücherschrank | Bookcase
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Paar am Phoenixsee | Couple
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Drahtrollen | Rings of wire
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Seiteneingang Georgskirche | Side entrance church
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Haupteingang Georgskirche | Entrance church
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Innenhof | Courtyard
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Hafenpanorama | Harbour panorama
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Hörder Burg | Castle
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gesprächspartner? | Conversational partner?