MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Ein Degu kam ... | Came along a degu ...
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Degu sah ... | Degu took a look ...
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: und fraß ... | and ate ...
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Katze auf dem Zaun | Cat on a fence
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Katze im Weinfeld | Cat in vineyard
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Möwen an den Cliffs of Moher | Seagulls on the Cliffs of Moher
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gans hinten | Goose
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Teichralle | Common moorhen
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Teichralle am Seeufer | Common moorhen
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gans auf dem Gehweg | Goose on the walkway
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Falke bei Ponta de São Lourenço | Falcon at Ponta de São Lourenço
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Möwe bei Doolin | Seagull near Doolin
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Gänsemarsch | Geese in indian file
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Marienkäfer im Herbst | Ladybug in autumn
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Leopard-Drückerfisch | Balistoides conspicillum
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Dottertukan | Ramphastos vitellinus
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Delfine | Dolphins
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Degu | Octodon degus
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Stachelschwein | Chilling Porcupine
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Getarnter Hund | Camouflaged dog
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Grüner Leguan | Iguana iguana
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Kragenechse | Chlamydosaurus kingii
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Griechische Landschildkröte | Testudo hermanni
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Schwarze Mamba | Dendroaspis polylepis
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Grüner Leguan | Iguana iguana
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Bartagame | Pogona
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Hornviper | Cerastes cerastes
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Halsbandpekaris | Pecari tajacu
MLopht Photography | Dortmund: Mini-Pekari | Pecari tajacu