mliu92: 1674 Da
mliu92: 1675 Ma
mliu92: 1679 Receive
mliu92: 1680 Meals
mliu92: 1682 Buffet
mliu92: 1686 Crab Regard
mliu92: 1687 Identify
mliu92: 1688 Aft
mliu92: 1690 Loft
mliu92: 1691 Craft
mliu92: 1696 Group
mliu92: 1698 Group
mliu92: 1699 Group
mliu92: On the way back to LA.
mliu92: Dragonfruit in Montebello
mliu92: She introduced my parents to each other – they grew up with my mom’s family, and her younger sister married my dad’s uncle. Montebello
mliu92: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. Plots we're just $500 when they opened.
mliu92: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. Plots we're just $500 when they opened.
mliu92: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. Plots we're just $500 when they opened.
mliu92: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. Plots we're just $500 when they opened.
mliu92: Kami Seafood Buffet, Rosemead. Not every day you get to meet the person who introduced your parents and who you can rightfully credit with your existence.