crestedquester39: Red Fox next to lake on old #15
crestedquester39: Fox Kits near hole 6 tee 1
crestedquester39: Hungry Robins on our porch roof
crestedquester39: Bullfrog in hand of 6 foot 250 pounder
crestedquester39: Painted Turtle
crestedquester39: Bat on overhang
crestedquester39: Doe stealing Larry Nolan's apples
crestedquester39: Day-old fawn (post is 3 1/2 inches square)
crestedquester39: Fawn eating creeping weed near #2 green
crestedquester39: Triplet fawns(occurs in 10% of births)
crestedquester39: Goat seen on road to the golf course
crestedquester39: Mr. Foxy Loxy
crestedquester39: Red Tailed Hawk making lazy hunting circles
crestedquester39: Squirrel drinking rainwater drips 8-2009
crestedquester39: 1 inch long Tree Frog
crestedquester39: Tree-frog in water-slot on flower pot
crestedquester39: Destructive Japanese Beetle
crestedquester39: Japanese Beetle destruction