mlephotos: .one. {hair cut}
mlephotos: .two. {in the mirror}
mlephotos: .three. {change is here}
mlephotos: .four. {dia}
mlephotos: .six. {exploring}
mlephotos: .seven. {preparations}
mlephotos: .eight. {ready for the big show!}
mlephotos: .nine. {damn hell rurexing medicine cabinet bathroom}
mlephotos: .ten. {on the coast}
mlephotos: .eleven. {happy st. patrick's day}
mlephotos: .twelve. {going dancing}
mlephotos: .thirteen. {pressies}
mlephotos: .fourteen. {chillaxin}
mlephotos: .fifteen. {san francisco}
mlephotos: .seventeen. {a visit to the er}
mlephotos: .eighteen. {finally outside!!!}
mlephotos: .nineteen. {engorged}
mlephotos: .twenty. {the east girls}
mlephotos: .twenty one. {exhausted}
mlephotos: .twenty two. {birthday celebration}
mlephotos: .twenty three. {almost forgot}
mlephotos: .twenty four. {new shoes}
mlephotos: .twenty six. {happy feet}
mlephotos: .twenty seven. {eye bolts}
mlephotos: .twenty eight. {incognito}
mlephotos: .twenty nine. {sharing the bench with my duaflex}
mlephotos: .thirty one. {afternoon read}
mlephotos: .thirty two. {lovely lovlies}
mlephotos: .thirty three. {last minute}
mlephotos: .thirty four. {andrew}