Michael_Lehet: It all started on the train
Michael_Lehet: First Stop
Michael_Lehet: Sears Tower
Michael_Lehet: To the Sky Deck!
Michael_Lehet: Elevator
Michael_Lehet: The View from Up Here
Michael_Lehet: All those people look like ants
Michael_Lehet: Sears Tower View - East pano
Michael_Lehet: Sears Tower View - South pano
Michael_Lehet: DSC03372
Michael_Lehet: Annie loves money
Michael_Lehet: Across the street
Michael_Lehet: Golden Doors
Michael_Lehet: Las Vegas here we come
Michael_Lehet: One MILLION DOLLARS
Michael_Lehet: One MILLION DOLLARS
Michael_Lehet: One MILLION DOLLARS
Michael_Lehet: One MILLION DOLLARS
Michael_Lehet: Such a small plaque
Michael_Lehet: Chicago Board of Trade
Michael_Lehet: Air Mail
Michael_Lehet: US Mail
Michael_Lehet: Art Deco Interior
Michael_Lehet: Someone or other
Michael_Lehet: And Under It Too
Michael_Lehet: Chase Bank
Michael_Lehet: Reflection
Michael_Lehet: gratuitous Chicago Tourist Shot