Michael_Lehet: The scene of the Crime
Michael_Lehet: Politics, Politics
Michael_Lehet: Get ready for dinner
Michael_Lehet: All Suited Up
Michael_Lehet: Dave and Mom
Michael_Lehet: The Table
Michael_Lehet: That's him
Michael_Lehet: Getting ready for dinner
Michael_Lehet: The Soup Course
Michael_Lehet: The Salad Course
Michael_Lehet: The Crowd
Michael_Lehet: Gift Shoppe
Michael_Lehet: The Main Course
Michael_Lehet: Make Room for Veggies
Michael_Lehet: Meeting the Man
Michael_Lehet: Getting ready to dance
Michael_Lehet: Dessert
Michael_Lehet: Dessert
Michael_Lehet: Dessert - 10:04 PM
Michael_Lehet: Dessert - 10:11 pm
Michael_Lehet: Dessert - 10:18 pm
Michael_Lehet: All Finished
Michael_Lehet: Way Too Much Food