Melanie Lazarow: Holloway Road, Brunswick Melbourne Australia
Melanie Lazarow: Near or in the Grampians
Melanie Lazarow: Takeshita-Dori
Melanie Lazarow: Yoyogi National Stadium Kenzo Tange
Melanie Lazarow: Tokyo Ohbayashi Building
Melanie Lazarow: Shinjuku
Melanie Lazarow: Paris Hotel des Allies
Melanie Lazarow: Rue Mouffetard, Paris
Melanie Lazarow: Paris Seine
Melanie Lazarow: London
Melanie Lazarow: View from the eye -London
Melanie Lazarow: View from the eye -London
Melanie Lazarow: London - view from the eye
Melanie Lazarow: London- vew from the eye
Melanie Lazarow: Red busses London
Melanie Lazarow: New York
Melanie Lazarow: New York buildings with the Empire State in the clouds
Melanie Lazarow: New York 79th st with dog on lead
Melanie Lazarow: New York Tour
Melanie Lazarow: The Bronx
Melanie Lazarow: View from our room! Hotel Gershwin New York
Melanie Lazarow: New york 4th
Melanie Lazarow: Greenwich village
Melanie Lazarow: Daniel Lazarow at the New York Aquarium
Melanie Lazarow: Linden Drive
Melanie Lazarow: Crescent Dr. Los Angeles
Melanie Lazarow: Beverly Blvd
Melanie Lazarow: CBS Studios LA