mlambdin: on a break
mlambdin: sand drift
mlambdin: another one landed
mlambdin: what sea weed?
mlambdin: P4140049
mlambdin: P4140050
mlambdin: dead blue
mlambdin: sand hole to the water line
mlambdin: what?
mlambdin: smile
mlambdin: someone loves someone
mlambdin: Texas blue crab
mlambdin: my collection so far!
mlambdin: I'm not sure this is a mermaid?
mlambdin: stuff we removed from the beach
mlambdin: found on the beach
mlambdin: found on the beach
mlambdin: Mark L working
mlambdin: experiment #2
mlambdin: experiment
mlambdin: tucker doesn't care about sand
mlambdin: blue
mlambdin: tucker made it
mlambdin: biggist tent I've ever seen on the beach
mlambdin: contained
mlambdin: removal
mlambdin: the clean up team
mlambdin: 55 gal of something
mlambdin: on the beach