maureenlafleche: reflection of the trees in a pond on a winters day
maureenlafleche: Bridge on a winters day
maureenlafleche: Bridge on a winters day
maureenlafleche: A snowy arch
maureenlafleche: snow crystals
maureenlafleche: snow on back table
maureenlafleche: Snow on plants
maureenlafleche: snow in back yard
maureenlafleche: snow on car and truck
maureenlafleche: Snow at Sunny Beach
maureenlafleche: Ocean meets snow
maureenlafleche: the snowy sunny beach
maureenlafleche: snowy eye
maureenlafleche: wood through snow
maureenlafleche: little house
maureenlafleche: our house
maureenlafleche: snow sweep on fence
maureenlafleche: Snow Out the backdoor
maureenlafleche: Light shining through snow
maureenlafleche: snowy river bank
maureenlafleche: snow in bush