mlaaker: Dainty donut bite
mlaaker: Kwik-E-Mart storefront
mlaaker: Thank You for Loitering. Please Come Again.
mlaaker: Hello My Name is Apu
mlaaker: Krusty O's & Sundry Goods
mlaaker: Buzz Cola and Coolers
mlaaker: Jeff Albertson (aka Comic Book Guy) magazine stand
mlaaker: Mmm... Donuts!
mlaaker: Woo Hoo! Squishees!
mlaaker: Aah... Buzz Cola!
mlaaker: Jasper Beardley in Freezer
mlaaker: Squishee machine
mlaaker: Buzz Cola fountain
mlaaker: Buy Some Fruit to Feel Less Guilty About the Chili Dog
mlaaker: Every Item Guaranteed Fresh or Your Money Begrudgingly Refunded.
mlaaker: Aah... Buzz Cola!
mlaaker: Behold! Sprinkled 'nut!
mlaaker: Kwik-E-Mart Donut Case Reminder
mlaaker: Mmm... sprinklicious
mlaaker: Simpsons donut bin
mlaaker: Chief Wiggum
mlaaker: Ralph Wiggum
mlaaker: Awkward Simpsons marketing placement
mlaaker: Buy this Simpsons Stuff! (or else)
mlaaker: Discount Buzz Cola
mlaaker: Buy 3 for the Price of 3!
mlaaker: Back by Popular Indifference!
mlaaker: Our Hot Dogs are rich in Bunly Goodness.
mlaaker: Bart
mlaaker: Milhouse