matt.tatham: motherdaughter
matt.tatham: feedingfrenzy
matt.tatham: Dazaifu
matt.tatham: Dazaifu
matt.tatham: blessing
matt.tatham: So Cute
matt.tatham: Dazaifu
matt.tatham: glamour shots
matt.tatham: shrine
matt.tatham: my mom and a shrine
matt.tatham: IMG_0224
matt.tatham: IMG_0223
matt.tatham: more torii
matt.tatham: rub its nose for luck
matt.tatham: even kids get in on the luck
matt.tatham: IMG_0219
matt.tatham: souvinor
matt.tatham: kimono and hello kitty
matt.tatham: the year of the rabbit
matt.tatham: even more torii
matt.tatham: sometimes we all feel like a monkey jumping through the Japanese loops
matt.tatham: one ring, one monkey
matt.tatham: dancemonkeydance ii
matt.tatham: see the monkey wears a hat. so we must be evolutionary related
matt.tatham: IMG_0233
matt.tatham: IMG_0234
matt.tatham: IMG_0235