maxkollective: Goose Altar with pumpkin
maxkollective: Goose Girls
maxkollective: The Goose Altar
maxkollective: Lisa conducts the Samhain ritual
maxkollective: The 'whores d'oevres'...
maxkollective: ... a burlesque for our Goose of Honour...
maxkollective: ... a goose feather fan dance...
maxkollective: best-dressed pumpkin
maxkollective: Jahnet de Light and Michelle M.
maxkollective: 'I was born a Goose of Southwark / by the Grace of Mary Overie' *
maxkollective: 'I am a tricksy tart, dear. My aim is to astonish you.' *
maxkollective: 'By the Grace of Our Lady Mary Overie...'
maxkollective: Evil shape-shifting Crow
maxkollective: 'Here to reveal my Mystery...'
maxkollective: 'So, Geese, tell your johns...'
maxkollective: 'Here - and O... here / set FREE FROM FEAR'
maxkollective: 'Judge not, that ye be not judged...' *
maxkollective: Niall sings
maxkollective: Niall McDevitt live at The Hop Cellars
maxkollective: 'Let in...' John Crow & Co. perform work from The Southwark Mysteries*
maxkollective: Jah Net, Michelle M and Michelle W as Goose
maxkollective: Tantric Pulse
maxkollective: Jah Net Kali Ma (Tantric Pulse)
maxkollective: Michelle as Goose
maxkollective: Between The Worlds
maxkollective: 'And Her name is Liberty'
maxkollective: '... to the click of a stick and a shaman's drum...'
maxkollective: Michelle (Goose) takes her bow
maxkollective: Votive candles
maxkollective: Procession enters Redcross Way