Michael Mahler:
Chair Bill COle with Carolyn Nichols
Michael Mahler:
Jordan Ball talks with Chris Rieger
Michael Mahler:
Carolyn Owens
Michael Mahler:
Chair Bill Cole by yard signs
Michael Mahler:
Chris Rieger
Michael Mahler:
Chair Bill Cole
Michael Mahler:
Chair Bill Cole introduces speakers
Michael Mahler:
Jordan Ball, speaking on behald of US Sen Bob Casey Jr
Michael Mahler:
PA Supreme Court Judge Debra Todd (running for retention)
Michael Mahler:
Chris Rieger speaking on behald of PA Supreme COurt candidate Dwayne Woodruff
Michael Mahler:
Maria McLuaghln speaks
Michael Mahler:
Deborah Kunselman
Michael Mahler:
Carolyn Nichols
Michael Mahler:
Geoff Moulton
Michael Mahler:
Ellen Ceisler
Michael Mahler:
Irne CLark
Michael Mahler:
Maria McLaughlin, Irne Clark, Ellen Ceisler, Deborah Kunselman, Bill Cole, Caolyn Nichols, Debra Todd and Geoff Moulton
Michael Mahler:
Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper
Michael Mahler:
Erie City Mayoral candidate Joe Schember
Michael Mahler:
Erie COunty Clerk of REcords Ken Gamble
Michael Mahler:
Candidatre postcards
Michael Mahler:
Sean Lynch speaks with Irene Clark
Michael Mahler:
Candidatre postcards