BlogKing: shot 1 - gritty
BlogKing: shot 1 - glow
BlogKing: shot 5
BlogKing: shot 4
BlogKing: shot 3
BlogKing: shot 2
BlogKing: curtain breeze
BlogKing: shot 7
BlogKing: shot 6
BlogKing: shot 8
BlogKing: looking out the window
BlogKing: by the window
BlogKing: by the window bw
BlogKing: dreaming
BlogKing: Photog directing the models
BlogKing: Photogs reviewing the shot
BlogKing: photog getting the shot
BlogKing: looking up version...
BlogKing: New Amsterdam Gin ver 2...
BlogKing: New Amsterdam Gin
BlogKing: New Amsterdam Gin ver 1...
BlogKing: Toulouse- Lautrec painting Toulouse- Lautrec
BlogKing: female model contemplating
BlogKing: model with blue eyes