Michelle_Kelley: MomDad12509_10
Michelle_Kelley: My parents, kids, and I.
Michelle_Kelley: Cute sign
Michelle_Kelley: Mom & Dad
Michelle_Kelley: The kids with their grandparents
Michelle_Kelley: Dad cutting his tree
Michelle_Kelley: Mom holding the tree up.
Michelle_Kelley: The kids pose with the carved Santa
Michelle_Kelley: My parents posing with Santa
Michelle_Kelley: Matthew carrying their tree.
Michelle_Kelley: Getting the tree wrapped.
Michelle_Kelley: MomDad12509_07
Michelle_Kelley: MomDad12509_08
Michelle_Kelley: Conley Farm
Michelle_Kelley: Fresh cover of Snow
Michelle_Kelley: Our Tree!
Michelle_Kelley: The Kids
Michelle_Kelley: Kelley12609_02
Michelle_Kelley: Maddie taking a turn @ cutting
Michelle_Kelley: Matthew getting low to cut
Michelle_Kelley: Daddy helping Matthew
Michelle_Kelley: David cutting
Michelle_Kelley: There were a TON of TALL trees here!
Michelle_Kelley: Maddie giving it a go.
Michelle_Kelley: Making the final cut.
Michelle_Kelley: Dragging.....
Michelle_Kelley: Hard work, huh?
Michelle_Kelley: Kelley12609_12
Michelle_Kelley: This place was HUGE too!
Michelle_Kelley: the Conley Farm