Michelle_Kelley: Matthew sitting on the same rock that David did
Michelle_Kelley: These were a favorite find today!
Michelle_Kelley: Explorers
Michelle_Kelley: One of the many many tidepools
Michelle_Kelley: OP62408_05
Michelle_Kelley: We saw a few of these today
Michelle_Kelley: Baby Hermit crab
Michelle_Kelley: Big Sea Urchin in water
Michelle_Kelley: Sea Urchin
Michelle_Kelley: OP62408_15
Michelle_Kelley: Blurry spot is smudge on lens.
Michelle_Kelley: My group!
Michelle_Kelley: OP62408_20
Michelle_Kelley: OP62408_21
Michelle_Kelley: Collecting creatures to examine.
Michelle_Kelley: The rocky shore
Michelle_Kelley: Releasing the creatures
Michelle_Kelley: Releasing the creatures
Michelle_Kelley: Matthew & I
Michelle_Kelley: My group