canomike: Dawahun
canomike: Mactan Shuffle
canomike: My Reflection is OK
canomike: Acropora
canomike: Coffee Table
canomike: Blue Puffer
canomike: Hued Acropora
canomike: Camouflaged Lizard Fish
canomike: Young Whale Shark
canomike: Baby Greets the Group
canomike: Large Scorpion Fish
canomike: Family Room Carpeting
canomike: Timid Batfish
canomike: Beautiful Squatter
canomike: Fun to Follow
canomike: Healthy Leather Coral
canomike: Bulbble Tip Anemone
canomike: Leather Coral
canomike: Leather Coral
canomike: 0_IMG_0386 (1514)
canomike: 0_IMG_0386 (1523)
canomike: 0_IMG_0386 (1528)
canomike: "IIImm too seksi for this bay, too seksi for this bay.."
canomike: 0_IMG_0386 (1560)
canomike: Giant Clam
canomike: Sea Fans Adorned with Black Feather Stars
canomike: Gossiping
canomike: clowns
canomike: Pachyseris