marcus5spot: Greenhorn log deck
marcus5spot: dylan with deck
marcus5spot: IMGP0932-Edit.jpg
marcus5spot: forest sun burst
marcus5spot: IMGP8615
marcus5spot: IMGP8607
marcus5spot: IMGP8601
marcus5spot: IMGP8587
marcus5spot: IMGP5399
marcus5spot: piles of sticks
marcus5spot: flames, smoke, and trees
marcus5spot: through the heat waves
marcus5spot: fanning the flames
marcus5spot: fuel to the fire
marcus5spot: old cut-to-length log harvester
marcus5spot: relic of coast range logging
marcus5spot: burning slash piles--the alternative to utilization
marcus5spot: IMGP1320
marcus5spot: IMGP1310
marcus5spot: IMGP1298
marcus5spot: burnt pondos
marcus5spot: IMGP4463.jpg
marcus5spot: IMGP4460.jpg
marcus5spot: being heard
marcus5spot: iconic blues
marcus5spot: sharing insights
marcus5spot: convenor
marcus5spot: circle up and talk it through...
marcus5spot: untitled
marcus5spot: through the trees