marcus5spot: fern perfection...sort of--Explored! 9/11/14
marcus5spot: milkweed seeds
marcus5spot: 500 years of wild
marcus5spot: young beauty
marcus5spot: a kiger beauty
marcus5spot: that feeling of being watched
marcus5spot: hunter in the beams
marcus5spot: life and death on the range
marcus5spot: big horn portrait.jpg
marcus5spot: life cycle
marcus5spot: fallen
marcus5spot: smokebush wreath.jpg
marcus5spot: fall bokeh
marcus5spot: Lopez tree
marcus5spot: further in
marcus5spot: IMGP9464
marcus5spot: new growth
marcus5spot: IMGP9335
marcus5spot: northwest icon
marcus5spot: IMGP3195-2
marcus5spot: IMGP3159
marcus5spot: IMGP1320
marcus5spot: IMGP1310
marcus5spot: ducks on the pond
marcus5spot: gold under brooding skies
marcus5spot: stuck in the moment
marcus5spot: dragon in the wilderness
marcus5spot: IMGP7762
marcus5spot: our national symbol
marcus5spot: eagle eye