marcus5spot: Ryan--sustainable wood entrepreneur
marcus5spot: Tom Story & Iggy
marcus5spot: fellow traveler
marcus5spot: japanese selfie enthusiasm
marcus5spot: screen time
marcus5spot: run, recover, repeat
marcus5spot: 5th generation eastern Oregonian
marcus5spot: Dylan and Darby's log deck
marcus5spot: livin' the dream.jpg
marcus5spot: dylan with deck
marcus5spot: EJ in hardhat
marcus5spot: keepin' it clean
marcus5spot: hard hat gals
marcus5spot: tip of the hat
marcus5spot: Jim the happy smith
marcus5spot: final touches
marcus5spot: concentration
marcus5spot: shaping and molding
marcus5spot: the smith in his shop
marcus5spot: the little forge
marcus5spot: Takilma Forge and Wagonworks
marcus5spot: IMGP6124
marcus5spot: IMGP6123
marcus5spot: IMGP6120
marcus5spot: Megan in flowers
marcus5spot: IMGP2377
marcus5spot: IMGP2360
marcus5spot: IMGP2334
marcus5spot: snake girl
marcus5spot: doughnut dog