mk30: on the road
mk30: west virginia
mk30: companion cat
mk30: southern illinois
mk30: southern illinois
mk30: southern illinois
mk30: that thing in st. louis
mk30: hmm
mk30: travel cat
mk30: nebraska
mk30: train through nebraska
mk30: train through nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska rest stop
mk30: tall nebraska clouds
mk30: the northern plains
mk30: nebraska rest stop
mk30: nebraska
mk30: nebraska
mk30: seeing an entire thunderstorm
mk30: cheyenne, wyoming
mk30: early wyoming
mk30: wyoming
mk30: not entering the rockies
mk30: road work
mk30: wyoming