Michael Khor: Wolf spider trapped in kitchen sink.
Michael Khor: Alien spacecraft caught in a spider's web!
Michael Khor: Huge spider on the golf flag pole.(called pin)
Michael Khor: Spider
Michael Khor: Clear for all insects to land!
Michael Khor: Horny spider.
Michael Khor: Tiny prowler!
Michael Khor: Ant with fly catch?
Michael Khor: Threatening underbelly of tiny 4 horned spider.
Michael Khor: Colourful tiny 4 horned spider.
Michael Khor: Spider
Michael Khor: Crab Spider (underside view)
Michael Khor: Catch it with the web. Dine in safety in dining room!
Michael Khor: Ha ha, lunch!
Michael Khor: This marble is mine!
Michael Khor: Spider
Michael Khor: Spider
Michael Khor: Wolf Spider
Michael Khor: Un ID spider
Michael Khor: Spider lurking in the flowers
Michael Khor: Large spider by the tee box!
Michael Khor: Golden Orb Web Spider. Singapore.
Michael Khor: Spider.
Michael Khor: Translucent Spider.
Michael Khor: Hanging Spider - all limbs retracted!
Michael Khor: Spider without some limbs.
Michael Khor: Looks like large head alien with 6 "hands"!
Michael Khor: Golden Orb Web Spider suspended from its web.
Michael Khor: Visible fangs of Golden Orb Web Spider.
Michael Khor: Golden Orb Web spider looking huge.