mjweirath: Emily, prepping equipment
mjweirath: tripod on the deck
mjweirath: shackles
mjweirath: Heading out to sea...
mjweirath: Ballard locks
mjweirath: bye, Seattle!
mjweirath: Boat stuff, woo!
mjweirath: spill kit.
mjweirath: Nikon lens
mjweirath: Leah, doing science
mjweirath: Lisa preparing to do an oxygen titration
mjweirath: bottles for water samples
mjweirath: safety first
mjweirath: Winkler titration supplies
mjweirath: Sunrise over the olympics
mjweirath: tripod deployment
mjweirath: hot sauce used for anti-bio-fouling sauce used for anti-bio-fouling
mjweirath: mist over the Olympic Peninsula
mjweirath: Decorator crab
mjweirath: Aaron and his hair
mjweirath: titration for dissolved oxygen
mjweirath: Rick
mjweirath: Derya getting ready to leave the vessel
mjweirath: Owen
mjweirath: Lisa
mjweirath: Lisa and Anna
mjweirath: Faren
mjweirath: Seattle skyline