MJR1951 Preston Buses: Blackpool Road Ashton Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Traffic jams in towns are nothing new as this picture of Lune Street in Preston shows.
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Junction of Strand Road and Fishergate Hill in Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Saturday lunchtime in Preston.
MJR1951 Preston Buses: 1924 Preston Corporation Tramways English Electric bodied Leyland SG7
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Leyland National Demonstrator FRM499K
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Leyland National Demonstrator FRM499K
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Preston Corporation Leyland PD1A 91
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Scout PD in Tulketh Brow
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Blackpool Road Preston alongside Ashton Park
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Stanley Street Preston looking south
MJR1951 Preston Buses: View of Fylde Road in Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: London Road Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Junction of Blackpool Road & Cottam Lane Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Junction of Stanley Street and Church Street Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Fishergate / Church Street Preston
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Preston Leyland PD1A
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Unidentified WD 2-8-0s
MJR1951 Preston Buses: BR Midland Pullman
MJR1951 Preston Buses: BR Type 2s D5397/5
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Last Scot in service 46115
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Black Bull Lane 1
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Black Bull Lane 2
MJR1951 Preston Buses: Black Bull Lane 3