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Italy by MJ Reilly
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MJ Reilly
Cross and Bars. St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
The Dome. St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
St Peter's and lamps. St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
St Peter. St Peter's Square, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Rooftop statues. St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Morning sunlight. St Vincent de Paul, St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Shadow and light. St Vincent de Paul, St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Shutters open and closed, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Church Tower, San Silvestro in Capite, Roma, Italy
MJ Reilly
Obelisk di Montecitorio, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Tree, Vatican City Museum, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Doors, Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Altere della Patria e Conifera, Roma, Italia
MJ Reilly
il Tricolore, Altere della Patria, Roma, Italia
MJ Reilly
Victor Emmanuel II, Alter of the Fatherland, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Best friends, Piazza del Risorgimento, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
In the Rotonda, Pantheon, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Through the Dome, Pantheon, Rome, Italy
MJ Reilly
Almost featureless, Castello di Valenzano, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy
MJ Reilly
Turret amongst the pines, Castello di Valenzano, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy
MJ Reilly
The Cathedral from the park, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy