1/2-pint: 100_0057psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0142psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0150psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0155psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0196psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0205psEdit
1/2-pint: 100_0373
1/2-pint: 100_0304
1/2-pint: 100_0193
1/2-pint: Tiny Fingers Five Days Old
1/2-pint: Baby Mine
1/2-pint: these are the times to remember....
1/2-pint: Sweet Baby Toes
1/2-pint: 100_0231-1psEdit
1/2-pint: Rose Glaze
1/2-pint: 100_0039bw
1/2-pint: 100_0024ed
1/2-pint: Enough with the pictures already!!!
1/2-pint: 100_0018ed
1/2-pint: 100_0045bw
1/2-pint: 100_0032ed2
1/2-pint: peaceful slumber
1/2-pint: 100_0029
1/2-pint: 100_0027-1
1/2-pint: 100_0187best
1/2-pint: 100_0022edit1
1/2-pint: 100_0083edit2
1/2-pint: 100_0128edit