Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Hanging about again..!
Mike-Lee: Not today!!
Mike-Lee: Paramedic training can be a serious thing..
Mike-Lee: Just chilling..
Mike-Lee: Bole Hills..
Mike-Lee: Manor Lodge (Castle)
Mike-Lee: Himmy's third outing..
Mike-Lee: Reach..
Mike-Lee: Stretch..
Mike-Lee: Corner climb..
Mike-Lee: Awkward move..
Mike-Lee: Same moves!!
Mike-Lee: Different approach..
Mike-Lee: Heal hooking..
Mike-Lee: Over the arch..
Mike-Lee: Morning all.!
Mike-Lee: Ready.!!
Mike-Lee: Back at it..!
Mike-Lee: Wet and rainy..
Mike-Lee: Monday morning feeling.!!
Mike-Lee: Last one of four..
Mike-Lee: Little 25(s)miler b4 getting Gkids!
Mike-Lee: Suprise!!
Mike-Lee: Good to get an hour out!!
Mike-Lee: SYDS