Mike-Lee: Tree-y picture..
Mike-Lee: Bò Ghàidhealach
Mike-Lee: Bò Ghàidhealach
Mike-Lee: Vit D excuse..
Mike-Lee: Vit D excuse..
Mike-Lee: Vit D excuse..
Mike-Lee: Vit D excuse..
Mike-Lee: Poor Yammie..
Mike-Lee: The sun came out..
Mike-Lee: Shaun Hadley (Plaque on side of Sheffield City Hall)
Mike-Lee: On my way to work.!
Mike-Lee: On my way to work!
Mike-Lee: Mistified..
Mike-Lee: Breakfast in the Peaks!
Mike-Lee: My rides tonight..
Mike-Lee: Magical..!
Mike-Lee: Pause to pose!
Mike-Lee: Ready and waiting...
Mike-Lee: Views from my 'office'..!
Mike-Lee: Views from my 'office'..! #Explore434
Mike-Lee: Views from my 'office'..!
Mike-Lee: Yesterday's ride out..
Mike-Lee: Yesterday's ride out..
Mike-Lee: Yesterday's ride out..
Mike-Lee: Yesterday's ride out..
Mike-Lee: Making shapes..
Mike-Lee: Making shapes..
Mike-Lee: Making shapes..
Mike-Lee: Moo.!
Mike-Lee: Ah well, make it three hours! 😉