Mike-Lee: Bounce...
Mike-Lee: Grriipp..!
Mike-Lee: Visualise..
Mike-Lee: Go Benny..
Mike-Lee: Jumping leap or leaping jump!
Mike-Lee: Leap... (makes a change from 'jump'!)
Mike-Lee: New bouldering rock..
Mike-Lee: Bouldering around Sheffield... Free!
Mike-Lee: Found 4th bouldering block in Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: Found 4th bouldering block in Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: Jay on the 'nose'..
Mike-Lee: Me & Jay on the 'boulder'
Mike-Lee: Another Sheffield boulder..!
Mike-Lee: Jump you clone (clown)..
Mike-Lee: Sheaf Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Sheaf Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Sheaf Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Millenium Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Millenium Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Millenium Boulder.
Mike-Lee: Bouldering with Edie..