Mike-Lee: Des Trois Pignon..
Mike-Lee: Sorted..
Mike-Lee: Lay back..
Mike-Lee: Oummph!
Mike-Lee: Delicate undercut!
Mike-Lee: Go girl go...!
Mike-Lee: Pause..
Mike-Lee: Big foot..
Mike-Lee: Pause for a pose...
Mike-Lee: Reach...!
Mike-Lee: Shake it out...
Mike-Lee: Visulise..
Mike-Lee: Concentration...
Mike-Lee: Caught..
Mike-Lee: Fontainebleau France 06 Explore#493
Mike-Lee: Font 06
Mike-Lee: Font 06
Mike-Lee: Getting it! Got it!
Mike-Lee: Got it!
Mike-Lee: Mike twice! That's what friends are for! Being kindly 'spotted' whilst I have a go at this one!
Mike-Lee: You want me to hold this!
Mike-Lee: Mike twice! Being kindly 'spotted' whilst I play on this one!
Mike-Lee: Stretch!
Mike-Lee: Got it - held it!
Mike-Lee: Multi Mike
Mike-Lee: Font 05
Mike-Lee: Finding the way.....up!
Mike-Lee: Will it hold???
Mike-Lee: Surveying- reaching- establishing!
Mike-Lee: Reaching out.....!