Mike-Lee: Testing zoom..
Mike-Lee: I do like the blue!
Mike-Lee: At night..
Mike-Lee: z1 035
Mike-Lee: Carousel of colour..
Mike-Lee: Ooo & aarr again!
Mike-Lee: Cool..
Mike-Lee: Oo & aarr!
Mike-Lee: Opps.. But quite nice really.
Mike-Lee: I can see Emley Moor!
Mike-Lee: Almost home..
Mike-Lee: Welcome to Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: Though the gap..
Mike-Lee: Don't walk alone..
Mike-Lee: Day & night..
Mike-Lee: Nights shots London..
Mike-Lee: Nights shots London..
Mike-Lee: Nights shots London..
Mike-Lee: Nights shots London..
Mike-Lee: Amazing what goes on at night in Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: Amazing what goes on at night in Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: Amazing what goes on at night in Sheffield! Explore#279
Mike-Lee: Sheffield!
Mike-Lee: In yer face...
Mike-Lee: Blue hue...
Mike-Lee: Switching off the wheel... (with helpful see-thro buses too!)
Mike-Lee: Ghostly wheel-spin..
Mike-Lee: Roof rack 'tripod' shot!
Mike-Lee: Lunar eclipse 21.12.2010
Mike-Lee: Cold but not so lonely tonight..!