MJeys: Steph at the Table
MJeys: Subway Ride
MJeys: Ice cream dream
MJeys: IMG_0796.JPG
MJeys: Sean and Doris
MJeys: Paul's rhinoplasty
MJeys: James and the nose
MJeys: Hi Amie.
MJeys: Last goldfish
MJeys: Doris and Amie
MJeys: Martha two
MJeys: Slides
MJeys: Steph is an aging raver
MJeys: James at the BBQ
MJeys: So funny!
MJeys: Chilling in the shade of the parking lot
MJeys: Devyn the Dude
MJeys: Devyn emerges from a tiny chapel
MJeys: Martha= drumstick, me=wizard
MJeys: Arcade Restaurant
MJeys: Storytime by Jennie
MJeys: Superwhites
MJeys: Shell Eyes
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MJeys: _DSC0168
MJeys: Matias face 1
MJeys: Matias in a window
MJeys: Hashem and SEan
MJeys: Doris and Matias