Post-hearing Press Conference
Don't stop innovation
Making a point
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Left to right "Innovation vs. Don't Steal From Me"
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Post-hearing press conference
Gigi B. Sohn, Co-Founder and President of Public Knowledge
NBC News light
"Ticket" to MGM vs. Grokster
"Ticket" to MGM vs. Grokster
Jack valenti with an entertainment industry professional
Autographed betamax tape
Jack Valenti
Jack Valenti autographs Betamax tape for the EFF
Seth Schoen
The line at dawn
The line at dawn
The line at dawn
In line
Seth Schoen
Jack Valenti at the United States Supreme Court
U.S. Capitol Dome