@mjb: we are grovelling in the vomit of our masters
@mjb: washington, d.c.: jihad for mayor
@mjb: dick cheney says, "he does what i say"
@mjb: on a light box: ya basta!
@mjb: adam eidinger takes the statehood fight to the white house... in a way
@mjb: circle your As / falluja lives
@mjb: hail to the thief sidewalk stencil
@mjb: borf ratbone
@mjb: Borf
@mjb: "Break what breaks your heart..." -- Borf
@mjb: Nintendoesque graffiti mural on U Street
@mjb: True Reformer Building
@mjb: Lincoln building
@mjb: A question we've all been asking
@mjb: Velvet Lounge Signage
@mjb: Vladimir Lenin is fading
@mjb: Communist/Leninist mural
@mjb: September 11 graffiti tribute
@mjb: Borf
@mjb: "Smash Capitalism" (Don't Block The Box)