mjauxier: Snapshot_outdoor photo of woman with girl and dog in the background, 1939
mjauxier: Snapshot_man in bomber jacket in front of airplane
mjauxier: Snapshot_standing profile photo of two young women
mjauxier: Snapshot_two couples
mjauxier: Snapshot_two little girls, one holding a large doll, 1946
mjauxier: Snapshot_fraternal group of men wearing Al Kaddosh caps
mjauxier: Snapshot_a group of six riding in toy train cars
mjauxier: Snapshot_smiling young woman and little girl in front yard with cars parked along the street in the background
mjauxier: Snapshot_portrait of smiling young man in front of encyclopedias and book shelf, 1965
mjauxier: Snapshot_outdoor family portrait, 1963
mjauxier: Snapshot_young boy on spring rocking horse
mjauxier: Snapshot_outdoor wedding portrait of couple
mjauxier: Snapshot_brother and sister? boy holding a dog in fenced-in yard, 1955
mjauxier: Snapshot_young boy in shorts and white shirt standing for his photo in the front yard
mjauxier: Snapshot_couple on steps in doorway, 1939
mjauxier: Snapshot_man in suit and hat in front of automobile
mjauxier: Snapshot_Virginia and Willard, 1969
mjauxier: Snapshot_mother and son next to an old television, 1956
mjauxier: Snapshot_a woman and two men enjoying themselves at a party
mjauxier: Snapshot_military man in front of snowy barracks
mjauxier: Snapshot_father and sons on front porch steps
mjauxier: Snapshot_two men and two women outdoors in front of fence and house, one woman at an open car door with her purse, 1959
mjauxier: Snapshot_indoor family photo?
mjauxier: Snapshot_outdoor photo of man in suit and hat