RPPC_group of shoppers gathered in front of Russell's Block, with bike and horse and wagon in the background
Large Cabinet Photo_two men, two women and a girl with a large doll standing in front of the Beadle County Poor Farm in Huron, South Dakota
Snap shot_four boys posed for their photo with women looking on and a bicycle in the background
Snap shot_four boys posing for their outdoor photo with house and bicycle in the background
RPPC_eleven Springfield citizens, one with bicycle, standing in front of Cox and Cox Clothing and Dry Goods, Springfield, Oregon
RPPC_horses and buggies lined up on Main St. with two boys and their bicycles and a horse-drawn coach with a large umbrella covering, Cassopolis, Michigan
RPPC_close-up of walking toddler with man on bicycle and couple with horse and buggy in the background
Cabinet Photo_large group of young men and women, several men having the numbers '96, and '97 on the bottom of their shoes