mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with long mustache, The Dalles, Oregon
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_scalloped framed portrait of two young ladies, Ashland, Oregon
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with droopy mustache, Portland, Oregon
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded portrait of two young women in white, La Grande, Oregon
mjauxier: Snapshot_track team
mjauxier: CDV_standing portrait of little girl, Sacramento, California
mjauxier: CDV_standing portrait of little girl, Sacramento, California (back)
mjauxier: Mid-size cabinet photo_portrait of confident-looking young man, Stockton, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_group portrait of six young men wearing their hats, Genesee, Idaho
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_damaged portrait of woman, Salt Lake, City, Utah
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_damaged, vignette portrait of woman, Butte, Montana
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of clean-shaven young man, Helena, Montana Territory
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of clean-shaven young man, Helena, Montana Territory (back)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_hole-punch decorated, faded portrait of young woman in fantastic dress, Butte, Montana
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young woman holding a curtain, Gunnison, Colorado
mjauxier: Tall Cabinet Photo_portrait of girl with long hair posing next to chair, Gunnison, Colorado
mjauxier: CDV_full-length portrait of girl with long curls, Albion, Nebraska
mjauxier: CDV_full-length portrait of girl with long curls, Albion, Nebraska (back)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of slightly-smiling young man with mustache, Lincoln, Nebraska
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of young woman with long curls, Omaha, Nebraska
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of young woman with long curls, Omaha, Nebraska (back)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_outdoor portrait of mother with child in a buggy, Omaha, Nebraska
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Memorial Card of girl with pig tails, Overton, Nebraska
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of seated woman holding a photo album, Vermillion, Dakota (Territory)
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of seated woman holding a photo album, Vermillion, Dakota (Territory) (back)
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of young lady wearing bows, Meriden, Iowa
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of young lady wearing bows, Meriden, Iowa (back)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Bearded man Christmas 1879, Stuart, Iowa
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of two young men, one sitting and one standing holding his hat, Springfield, Illinois
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of young woman looking to the side, Lousiville, Kentucky