mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_profile portrait of young woman, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young couple, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded portrait of man with mustache, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two children, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of man with light mustahce, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of older man with long white chin beard, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval porrait of young man, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded portrait of woman, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of young woman with direct gaze Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_seated older woman, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with matching earrings and broach, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with matching earrings and broach, Auburn, California (2 of 2)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of young girl, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with pearl necklace, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of clean-shaven man, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two children, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with mustache, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_wedding photo?, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two children, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of couple, he is either really tall or she is on the short sideAuburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two girls, Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with matching earrings and broach, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of young lady, Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with matching earrings and broach, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_older woman wearing eyeglasses, Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of woman with matching earrings and broach, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_young man in suit, vest and tie, Auburn, California
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of man with mustahce, Auburn, California