mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of four, Cando, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_five young ladies, Crystal, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of three, Devils Lake, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_young family of five, Ellendale, Dakota (Territory)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two young children (one in costume), Fargo, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_little Florence Hammer, Fargo, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_standing portrait of man with light mustache, Fargo, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of clean-shaven young man, Fargo, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_standing portrait of young woman, Fargo, (North) Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_father and two daughters, Fargo, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet photo_damaged portrait of young woman holding a book, Fargo, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of four, Fargo, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_sour-looking brother and sister, Fargo, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Mary Noben, Grafton, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Memorial photo of bearded man, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Miss Winnie Sprague, January 5, 1893, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of man with mustache, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_seated toddler in a dress, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_close-up portrait of young woman with hand-tinted cheeks, Grand Forks, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a woman, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_"Uncle Frank's girls", Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of seated older couple, he with a great chin-beard, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_three siblings? dressed in coats and hats, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_husband and wife, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_wavy-haired man, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_mustacheod man, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet card smiling baby, Grand Forks, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_half-profile portrait of young woman wearing a feathered hat, Hillsboro, Dakota Territory
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded portrait of standing young man holding a book, Hillsboro, North Dakota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded wedding photo of couple holding hands, Hillsboro, North Dakota