mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of two young girls, Carson City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_older parents and their five grown children, Carson, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_damaged portrait of husband and wife, Carson City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_oval portrait of clean shaven young man, Carson City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of bearded man, 1887, Eureka, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with mustache wearing his hat, Reno, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_damaged portrait of a woman, Virginia, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of young woman, Virginia, Nevada ( appears to be a copy of an earlier image)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of child in plaid dress, Virginia City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_oval portrait of man with bushy mustache, Virginia City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of Harry with neatly-combed hair, Virginia City, Nevada
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of couple, Virginia City, Nevada