mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of three, portrait of a couple with father holding their child, Adrian, Minn.
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_Memorial Card for woman, Albert Lea, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of middle-aged couple, he wearing eyeglasses and long, white sideburns, Alexandria, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_two couples?, Alexandria, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young man wearing bow tie, Anoka, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_gentleman with mustache, Anoka, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of three men in long overcoats, Belview, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_couple, she holding up a book, Benson, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_young woman, Blooming Prairie, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Northrup family of four, Brainerd, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_James L. Snyder, Brainerd, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet card_full-length portrait of man wearing striped pants and holding his hat and cane, Brainerd, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_fading, vignette portrait of young woman, Buffalo, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_man with mustache, Chaska, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with mustache, Cloquet, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_young woman wearing a chocker necklace, Crookston, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young couple, Duluth or Cloquet, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Anton, Mattie and Gunda Overdahl, Duluth, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_three generations, parents, children and grandfather?, Eagle Bend, Minneosta
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_eight siblings, Elmore, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man in hat wading into the water with a possible naked man in the bushes behind him, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of couple, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of couple, he standing and she sitting, Glencoe, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a man and his whiskers, Glenwood, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a couple and their grown daughter, Granite Falls, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of older woman, Granite Falls, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_faded portrait of Mrs. Ceasar Portman, Jackson, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_oval faced man, Lake City, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of man with large goatee, Lake Crystal, Minnesota
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of toothless, older woman, Lewiston, Minnesota