mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_man on a bicycle wearing a medal, Auburn, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of older woman, Auburn, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with long, thin mustache, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Annie Buffam in formal dress, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man with curled mustache, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of girl in large hat, and somewhat defiant pose, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_man with large mustache, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card _Ella or Olla Colby, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card _sister of Ella (Olla)?, Bangor, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_profile portrait of young woman, Bath, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_profile portrait of woman, Belfast, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of H. e. Knowlton, Belfast, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_young woman with tight, flat, curled hair, Belfast, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_woman, Belfast, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_woman, Belfast, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_fading portrait of a dressed up family of five, Bethel, Maine (I think)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a young couple, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_graduation photo class of '94 (1894), Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_large mustachioed man, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_happy twin brothers, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_father, mother and two children, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_tall man and woman, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_young couple and daughter, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_young lady, Biddeford, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_seated portrait of two young men wearing a cap and a hat, Calais, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_close-up portrait of man with thick mustache, Camden, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of child wearing furry outfit, Camden, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_young lady, Camden, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of young lady, Camden, Maine
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_girl in confirmation dress, Caribou, Maine