mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of three with teenage son, Abilene, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_three startled-looking little kids, Anthony, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_standing portrait of young man standing behind a prop gate, Anthony, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_the five kids, Arkansas City, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_six siblings?, Armourdale, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of older man with large beard, Ashland, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_profile portrait of a young lady, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a woman with braided hair and wearing a crown, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_young girl, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_close-up portrait of woman with dangly earrings, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_young man, Atchison, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of Bess Holmes, Augusta, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Florence, Dora and Emmilu, Augusta, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Lenora Ann Whitehurst, 1891, Beloit, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Mrs. Bonnifield "Mother", appears to be a copy of an earlier image, Beloit, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_standing portrait of man with long mustache, Beloit, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of Kate Beck, Beloit, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of Andy Graff, Beloit, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_The Willibey children, Burlington, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of man with curled mustache, Caldwell, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of man in suit with mustache, Caney, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young man with long mustache, Caney, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Wedding portrait of a young couple, Clay Center, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_Hiram and Charles Casity, Clifton, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_family of four, Clyde, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of seated older lady, Clyde, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Card_couple, Clyde, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of boy, Clyde, Kansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_circular portrait of two young women with heads together, Coffeyville, Kansas