mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_memorial photo of young man with mustache, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_burnt and damaged memorial photo of clean-shaven young man, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of tall boy, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Minnie Crowell, Bentonville, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_extreme close-up portrait of man with long, dark mustache, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a couple, he with a magazine held upside down, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of dress-up man wiht long coat, grid pants and cane, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_baby in long white gown, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_full-length portrait of woman with flower-embroidered dress with hat and parasol, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_little girlwith flower-embroidered dress, holding her purse, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_horizontal portrait of couple, Fayetteville, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_four siblings?, Fordyce, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of stern-faced woman "Grandmother Kelly", Ft. Smith, Arkansas (Copy of an earlier image)
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of young girl and baby, Fort Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of clean-shaven young man, Fort Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a couple, Ft. Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_memorial portrait of young lady, Fort Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a young woman, Fort Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet card_young family of four 1892, Fort Smith, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of slightly-smiling young woman, Hot Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_vignette portrait of woman, Hot Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_studio portrait of three children, Hot Springs, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_Sybil and Puryear Ragland, Jonesboro, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_three month old Sybil Ragland, Jonesboro, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_clean-shaven young man, Little Rock, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of a woman, Little Rock, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of clean-shaven young man, Little Rock, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_close-up profile portrait of a girl, Little Rock, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_baby Clyde, Little Rock, Arkansas
mjauxier: Cabinet Photo_portrait of slightly-smiling woman, Little Rock, Arkansas