mjauxier: CDV_couple, Algona, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_couple, Algona, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of man with mustache, Antigo, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of man with mustache, Antigo, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_profile portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_profile portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of man with mustache, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_portrait of man with mustache, Appleton, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_smiling little girl, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_smiling little girl, Appleton, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_faded, full-length portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_faded, full-length portrait of woman, Appleton, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_close-up portrait of man with long, bushy mustache, Appleton, Wisconsin
mjauxier: scan0340
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of stern-looking older woman, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of stern-looking older woman, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_seated woman with a Civil War stamp on back, Beaver Dam, wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_seated woman with a Civil War stamp on back, Beaver Dam, wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of a woman (appears to be a copy of an earlier image), Beloit, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of a woman (appears to be a copy of an earlier image), Beloit, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of a woman and child (appears to be a copy of an earlier image), Beloit, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of a woman and child (appears to be a copy of an earlier image), Beloit, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of an with sideburns and mustache, Beloit, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_oval portrait of an with sideburns and mustache, Beloit, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_dazed-looking baby, Beloit, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_dazed-looking baby, Beloit, Wisconsin (back)
mjauxier: CDV_young man, Beloit, Wisconsin
mjauxier: CDV_young man, Beloit, Wisconsin (back)