mjauxier: Ambrotype_bare glass plate of young woman
mjauxier: Ambrotype_red glass, portrait of seated young girl
mjauxier: Ambrotype_younger woman wearing glasses, Boston, Massachusetts
mjauxier: Ambrotype_younger woman wearing glasses, Boston, Massachusetts (back)
mjauxier: Ambrotype, older woman wearing a bonnet
mjauxier: Ambrotype_seated older woman
mjauxier: Ambrotype_portrait of seated young woman, Clinton, Massachusetts
mjauxier: Ambrotype_portrait of young woman with hand-tinted cheeks
mjauxier: Ambrotype_mother and children
mjauxier: Ambrotype_two young women with hand-tinted cheeks
mjauxier: Ambrotype_portrait of young lady with hands in her lap