mjanean: BART from SFO to Ashby
mjanean: BART from SFO to Ashby
mjanean: that's hospitality
mjanean: A gallery in the Union Square area
mjanean: somewhere in Oakland
mjanean: At the famous Grand Lake Theater!
mjanean: Organist at Grand Lake Theater
mjanean: Jessica watches Martha
mjanean: Stewf photographs Martha photographs Stewf
mjanean: Stewf surrounded by friends
mjanean: Lance and Jeremy at the Palace of the Legion of Honor
mjanean: Do not do this!!!!
mjanean: The best thing about the Video Cafe
mjanean: At the bridge
mjanean: me and Jeremy at the Bridge
mjanean: John Wilkes' booth
mjanean: candy necklace
mjanean: We found FontShop!
mjanean: Stewf at work
mjanean: Jeremy laughs at the idea of stealing a kid's skateboard and showing him how it's done
mjanean: Stewf laughs at Jeremy
mjanean: Jessica laughs with Stewf
mjanean: TJ & Jess on a Muni bus
mjanean: cameras!
mjanean: no trip to San Francisco is complete...
mjanean: Jeremy and TJ share a moment